2024 Bus Transportation
Busing is mandatory for all campers, CITs, and most staff. Space is limited on the campgrounds and we cannot accommodate extra vehicles. Bus will pickup and drop off from Pequenakonck (PQ) Elementary School at 173 June Road, North Salem.
Morning drop off at PQ Elementary is from 8:35-8:55am. Buses leave promptly at 9am. Late arrivals will need to drive to the camp at Mt. Lakes Park. The road into our camp is a one-way road so late arrivals will need to wait for the buses to leave before entering the grounds (about 9:45am).
Afternoon pickup at PQ Elementary is from 3:10-3:20pm. Early dismissals will need to be picked up from the camp at Mt. Lakes Park prior to 2:30pm. A note is required for all early dismissals, to be turned in to the counselor immediately upon arrival in the morning.